To: General Secretary of the International Astrological Union (IAU)
Dear Professor Thierry Montmerle,
I invited you to the International Conference, which was held in Moscow on October 1, 2015. Unfortunately, I received no response from you.
We cannot perform all this productively until we know how we and our surroundings appeared. After all we are a derivative of our beginning. What is THIS, THE ONLY CONSTANT that always drives and will drive the "eclectic" "conglomerate" of dissimilar sets?
The postulate “Big Bang”, superdense matter, out of nowhere, can be assumed within one Galaxy, and where do the rest come from? It turns out that our entire Universe was littered with superdense matter. Immediate conclusion: they were sent to us from other parallel Universes. How will it be properly expressed in our concept: A single Universe or their set? All this interpretation can be extended infinitely.
The main purpose of our Conference is to define the alternative concept, relatively speaking, " Big Bang". Bселенная is our infinite environment or One of them where we, in particular, are and are part thereof. If this concept refers to the first definition, which corresponds more to the truth, then high scientific discussion will be able to determine the truth, the laws of creation, development and transformation of processes, matters and their derivatives analytically according to results of established, conventionally so-called " Big Bang ".
I propose you consider an alternative concept which could explain the origin of the material world and which I would first like to share with you, other well-known scientists, who want to break away from the stereotype about the «Big Bang».
I was not easy for me to come to this inference by studying the history of physics and astronomy, where it is described and studying the works of the world's great scientists, such as: The General Theory of Relativity, The laws of Thermodynamics, string theory, Vacuum curvature, The relativistic theory of gravitation, Galactic bulge, Affine transformation, Resonance periods, Fluctuations, Wave effects, The quantum principle of electromagnetic radiation, Corpuscle wave-particle duality of objects of a microcosm, Supersymmetry theory, The spherical standing wave structure of matter, micro and macro structures of planetary systems.
In short, I can give the following succinct:
- Speaking conventionally, before and after “ Big Bang ”, our Universe (let us define it as the only one) has a property to expand in impulses. That can be defined as a Cosmological Constant, or an energy constant that structures Dissipative Systems, causes Core, Impulsive and System Self-Organization.
- By definition, Vacuum is a non-homogenous body (being limitless and dynamic) due to its periodic pulsing, wave motion (caused by dynamic deflection between pulsing acts).
- Time has existed and still exists as an absolute entity regardless of structure changes in space before or after. The absolute time in the Universe can be defined as a process that lasted for one second to transmit information (light, in our case) to the distance of 300,000 km.
- Time as a parameter of a process switches to local temporal derivatives commensurately to the amplitudes of local processes.
- The Kelvin conventional zero temperature is a boundary between positive and negative interactions of the Universe dynamics with respect to material formations.
- With Kelvin temperature being below zero, the impulsiveness vector takes a reverse direction (such state of certain parts of the Universe causes inhomogeneity of density).
- Each galactic system formation is a derivate prototype of the conventional “Big Bang”
I am willing to share my research on the above topics and conceptual frameworks. If you choose the correct conceptual framework, you can find answers to a lot of questions related to physics, astrology, chemistry, biology, medicine, nuclear technology, and other fields in modern science and electronics.
I suggest Mr. Stephen William Hawking, become a Moderator of the convened International Scientific Conference.
I suggest taking up questions regarding the venue for the International Scientific Conference with Management International Astrological Union (IAU)
Kind regards,
President of FOUNDATION «ASTROPSWIONSS» Agadadash Kerimov
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