"Global warming is an indicator of the increase in the average ambient temperature over the past century. Its problem lies in the fact that, since the 1970s, this indicator has been increasing several times faster."

The above-mentioned analytical statistics, which are offered to us by the world environmental protection organizations.
If we penetrate deeper into the bowels of our planet, we will surely see a completely different picture, that the main reason for this lies not in the intensification of human industrial activity, but in the spontaneous change of geophysical processes in the bowels of our earth. The intensification of disorderly industrial human activity, in comparison with the ongoing geophysical processes in the bowels of the earth, is an attempt to illuminate some part of the football field with a hand lantern, when lighting the stadium with regular spotlights, during a football match. Changes in temperature not only of water, but also of air by about +/- 0.1% of one degree, despite such a small temperature value, have consequences that can be colossally destructive for the existing intelligent civilization and the Earth's biosphere itself

According to the scientific works of world scientists, research in the field of global warming tells us that the change of temperature regimes has accompanied the planet throughout its history of existence. According to historical data, for example, the history of Greenland is evidence of climate change. Historical facts confirm that Norwegian sailors sailing to Greenland in the XI—XIII centuries called it "Green Land", because there was no mention of snow and ice cover, as there is today. Such cataclysms threaten to change the world or wipe humanity off the face of the Earth altogether. Nevertheless, if they had not happened in the past, the planet would have looked very different, and it is unknown what our life would be like today.

252 million years ago, the Earth was completely different. The continents had not yet had time to disperse, forming the supercontinent Pangaea, but life at sea and on land was developing rapidly. Until a powerful eruption of a supervolcano began in the north of Pangea, where Siberia is now located. The volume of the spilled lava amounted to more than 5 million cubic kilometers on an area commensurate with the modern United States. The mass Permian extinction began, during which 70% of terrestrial and 96% of marine vertebrate species disappeared. The frozen lava formed an outpouring of Siberian traps in central Russia.

Breakthrough of a large water body in paleogeography and Quaternary geology, the former freshwater glacial lake "Agassiz" in North America 14,500 years ago, when the last of the glacial epochs was coming to an end, a huge glacial lake formed on the border of the Laurentian ice Sheet. Agassiz was about the size of the Black Sea, but it was completely freshwater. At some point, the glacial dam holding back the water column collapsed, and one of the largest floods in the history of the Earth occurred. The waters of Agassiz flooded into the Arctic Ocean, weakening the circulation of warm water from the Atlantic and plunging the entire region into a new ice age for the next 1200 years. Perhaps because of this, many representatives of the megafauna of North America died out, and the Clovis culture was also destroyed.

The final breakthrough of Agassiz and the flooding of the Black Sea, in Eastern Europe, caused a new period of cooling, which led to the strengthening of the ice sheet. After 1200 years, the region warmed up again, and the lake was restored to its former borders, merging with another large lake Ojibway, a prehistoric lake in what is now northern Ontario and Quebec in Canada. Ojibway was the last of the great glacial lakes of the last ice Age. Comparable in size to Lake Agassiz, with which it was probably connected to the north of the Great, to the greatest extent c8 500 years ago. The former bottom of the lake forms a modern Clay Belt, an area of fertile land.
Lake Ojibway existed for a relatively short time. The lake dried up, which must have had a catastrophic and dramatic character about 8,200 years ago. One hypothesis is that the weakening ice dam separating it from Hudson Bay broke because the lake was about 250 m above sea level. A comparable mechanism caused flooding in Missoula, which resulted in troughs in the Columbia River basin.

Recent analysis shows that it has not been definitively determined whether the lake was drained by an ice dam break, a glacier spill, or a flood under the glacier. It is also not known for sure whether there was one or more pulses, and the path along which the water reached Hudson Bay has not been determined.
The drainage of Lake Ojibway is a possible cause of 8.2 kilogods, a major global cooling that occurred 8,200 years ago.). However, not for long, and soon there was a new breakthrough — this time in Hudson Bay. The subsequent cold snap lasted only 150 years, but affected a large area. The sea level has risen by almost 4 meters, and major floods have occurred around the world. This was especially noticeable in the area of the Black Sea, which was originally only a deep freshwater lake.
The Mediterranean Sea, which was once also a lake - about 5.6 million years ago, the African and Eurasian tectonic plates converged and collided, cutting off the reservoir from the Atlantic Ocean. Over the next hundreds of thousands of years, the Mediterranean Lake evaporated, and the winds carried salt deposits over the surrounding lands. And yet, after 300 thousand years, Atlantic waters broke through Gibraltar and filled 90% of the former volume of the Mediterranean Sea. It took from a few months to two years to do this, and this event is known as the English Flood.

The Great glaciation lasted for a long time, the glacier was advancing and retreating, but the main thing for us will not be the periodization of this event, but only the fact that people were already living in Europe at that time. Well, it was already known in our time that in the very center of the North Sea there is a sandbank called Dogger Bank, which became famous for the fact that during the First World War, a battle of British and German battlecruisers took place near it. A bank as a bank – there are few of them in the world. However, it so happened that in 1931 the fishing trawler Kolinda caught a piece of peat there, and in it a prehistoric deer horn, which was clearly processed and was nothing more than a 220 mm long harpoon tip. Then the remains of a mammoth and a lion were raised from the bottom here, and, most importantly, prehistoric tools and weapons. Then, 16 km off the coast of Zealand, a fragment of a Neanderthal skull, approximately 40,000 years old, was lifted from the bottom of the sea. It was obvious that there was land under the water, which used to be dry land, but which was then covered by water. It was obvious that it occupied the entire southern part of the North Sea and connected Britain with Denmark. Archaeologist Briony Coles gave this landmass the name Doggerland. Gradually it became clear that Doggerland in the Mesolithic era was inhabited by people, and it had a rich flora and fauna.

About 10 thousand years ago, when both the North Sea and almost the entire territory of the British Isles were hidden under a layer of ice, the sea water level was 120 meters lower than today. There was no English Channel, and the entire bottom of the North Sea was a tundra zone. But then the glacier began to melt, and the level of the World Ocean gradually increased. By 8000 BC, Doggerland was a flat area formed by the sediments of the Rhine, and its coastline was replete with lagoons, swamps and beaches. It is believed that in the Mesolithic era, these lands in Europe were a real paradise in terms of bird hunting and coastal fishing on the Norwegian Sea. About 8 thousand years ago, 100 kilometers off the coast of Norway, a piece of land the size of Iceland broke away from the continental shelf and slid into the depths of the Norwegian Sea. Most likely, this was caused by a number of earthquakes, as well as the release of a large amount of methane due to the decomposition of gas hydrates. Traces of the tsunami that followed the landslide are now being found 80 km deep into the Scottish coast.

Under the name Sturegga — "big edge", a series of three ancient landslides is known. Sturegga refers to the largest disasters in the history of mankind. Chronologically coincides with the global cooling of 6200 BC, which suggests a relationship between these events. The event took place between 6200 and 6000 BC — although the exact date is still debated, it is safe to say that the event took place after the flooding of Hudson Bay.
Drought in Northern China, 1876-1879, due to the consequences of the end of the Little Ice Age at the end of the XIX century, a drought of incredible proportions occurred in Northern China. For three years, not a single drop of rain fell on the earth, which caused famine, which caused the death of 13 million people out of 108 million of the country's population.
Not all natural disasters are associated with earthquakes and hurricanes. The Spanish Flu pandemic, an epidemic of Spanish flu around the world that broke out in the last months of the First World War, affected about 550 million people around the world. About 100 million died — 5.3% of the world's population.
Historical statistics show that at the beginning of the twentieth century, heat again prevailed, which led to a change in the mass of glaciers in the Arctic Ocean. Then, from the 40s, the temperature began to gradually fall. A new round of temperature growth began in the 1970s. In fact, the melted masses of glaciers contribute to lowering the level of the Glacial Ocean, and do not pose a threat of flooding of the land surrounding it. The laws of physics say that when water freezes, its mass increases in volume, and not vice versa. This means that the melted masses of glaciers will be at the same level of their water volume.

The Laki eruption in Iceland is one of the most active volcanic regions on the planet. In 1783, there was a double eruption of the Lucky and Grimsvotna volcanoes with the release of 15 cubic kilometers of basalt lava and a lava flow that flooded an area of 565 km. Poisonous gases killed half of the livestock in Iceland, almost all birds and fish. The ensuing famine claimed about 10,000 islanders. Ash spread over Europe, blocking sunlight and causing a new crop failure and famine.
If we delve deeper into history, if we take Biblical history as the chronological basis for the development of a reasonable civilization, to some extent in this chronology there is a logical chain of periodic development of historical events. Tracking the facts, from the approximate date of Adam and Eve's existence to our times, catastrophic changes in climatic conditions on Earth have become the motivation for changing the landscape of the environment and changing the conditions of existence of an intelligent civilization, and eventually radically changing the average static consciousness of an intelligent civilization.

Let's look at the Biblical statistics:- Adam and Eve, - after 600 years of the flood, Noah and his Ark, After the retreat of water from the continents, the Rulers began building Pyramids as salvation from the next world floods - after another 600 years, 18th century BC - The Prophet Abraham, - after another 600 years, the Prophet Moses, Judaism, climate change, large-scale ebb and flow - after another 600 years, teacher Li, Confucius and Gautama Buddha, 7th century BC. major earthquakes - after another 600 years - Jesus Christ, after another 600 years the Prophet Muhammad, after 600 years - the Renaissance and climate change facts of Greenland freezing, another 600 years of the 18th and 19th centuries global socio-political, national liberation and patriotic, fundamental changes in the consciousness of a reasonable civilization. And that 's 5,000 years old. If we follow this chain of stepwise, scalar development of the history of intelligent civilization, then by the 24th century we are waiting for global climate change. We must prepare for this very seriously, since periodic updates of the intellectual content of a reasonable civilization with the help of geophysical changes can be demanded without alternative by updating the habitat and existence, in the planetary sense of the word.
Causes of global warming
Scientists explain the cause of climate warming as a greenhouse effect. The effect that is the main reason for the increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the atmosphere. If scientists are trying to scare the rippers of our ecology with this explanation, then they will not change the situation that has developed with the development of industrialization of all sectors of the world economy until the nature of the rippers themselves changes. Firstly, an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the atmosphere is a lifting force, an elevator for moving moisture from the solid and liquid surfaces of the earth up to open space. A warm temperature is not just a substance, but an energetic particle with a positive temperature. Secondly, it is not in an adiabatically closed system, which would be stuck in the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere. It moves away from the surface of the earth or the ocean irrevocably, its reactive particles are ionized, oxygen merges into the atmosphere as a chemical element, moisture using its thermal energy combines with helium and carbon in the atmosphere and is converted into silver, snow, rain clouds. The so-called greenhouse gases contained in the air, particles with positive energy, such as methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide and others, are ionized, decomposed under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the sun. Thirdly, they are not an integrating factor in the attraction of toxic substances in the atmosphere. And they decompose, are purified and concentrated in separate fractions of the composition of the atmosphere. Moreover, the release of such chemicals from the bowels of the earth, or arising as a result of any human activity, all these procedures do not occur everywhere and not simultaneously. The annihilating procedure, of the same name and monovalent, in terms of the content of chemicals, is inherent in the adiabatic system of thermodynamic processes or being in an active state, passing through a mass of solid, liquid and gaseous aggregate layers and a water basin of the Earth, where it is possible to accumulate and assimilate. The claim that concentration contributes to the accumulation of thermal radiation on the Earth's surface, and as a result leads to the heating of the planet, is not justified, not professionally and not competently for the scientific community. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the Earth, like the rest of the universal micro, macro material objects, including elementary particles, are subject to permanent movement in the continuum of the "Discrete-impulsive physical state of spherical globalization of vacuum", in short, as "DIPSSGV". If there were no solid five-layer atmospheric shell thicker than the Earth's crust, upper mantle, mantle of the Earth, the main driving and driving force of the vacuum would pull all the energy of the planet Earth from its core. Since everything that is a substance, a particle, a material object with positive energy, above the absolute temperature (-273 gy), is pulled apart by the dynamic ("DIPSSGV") nature of the vacuum. And our Sun is no exception either, in the absence of a planetary system that restrains its depletion, it could have disappeared before our origin.

Greenhouse effect
1. The statement that fires in the forest area are the cause of the greenhouse effect, do not let the profile specialists be offended, this is a clear miscalculation. Firstly, the greenhouse effect can only occur in a closed system. Secondly, when there is a release of a large amount of CO2, again, on the scale of the Earth, this process continues around the world, does not come from sources everywhere and not at the same time. A process that, even for a long or short time, would warm only the local surface of the land or partially a segment of the water cover of the coast of the Earth. After that, the heated surface temperature, energy CO2, is absorbed by the atmosphere and dissolved in the complementary content of the atmosphere.
2. Thirdly, the decrease in the number of trees occurs partially, not simultaneously throughout the earth, trees that produce carbon dioxide or give oxygen make up a millionth of the oxygen production by the water cover and soil moisture of the earth, which, as a consequence, simultaneously purify and ventilate the atmosphere.
3. Land plots that are under permafrost in the form of chemical waste partially restrain the circulation of moisture, the conversion of a hydrogen proton coming from the earth's core through the entire solid and water column of the earth, resting on a low-temperature sealed layer of ice, enriches it, restrains and becomes an oxidizing invariance of the decay of organic substances, and further conversion of methane. These poisoned areas of the earth are insufficient for a catastrophic change in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, even by an iota of percent. The thermal energy of CO2 is spent on ascent and diffusion in the corresponding fraction of the atmosphere. Excess hybrid substances of the gas and plasma aggregate state of CO2, in the process of vertical penetration through atmospheric layers, assimilating with other constituent chemical elements of the atmosphere, are transformed into solid aggregate states of matter and fall back to the Earth in the form of different atmospheric precipitation.
4. The fact that the oceans produce a large amount of water vapor cannot be disputed. Evaporation of the surface of the earth's water basin, in the process of physical diffusion, enriches the contents of the atmosphere with nitrogen, oxygen, in collision with ultraviolet rays, the atmosphere is enriched with inert gases such as argon, helium, krypton, xenon, neon and carbon.
5. The eruption of a volcano leads to the release of a huge amount of carbon dioxide. The amount of which in the chemical composition of the atmosphere is 0.0314%, is partially assimilated in gas-plasma fractions, is partly an aggregator of ordinary and silver clouds and is constantly in demand to maintain a balanced atmospheric content.
6. Living organisms, people, animals and some plants exhaling CO2 make up a millionth of a percentage of the chemical composition of the atmosphere. And this will not be able to create a greenhouse effect in the open, dynamically vertically changing space of the Earth's atmosphere.
7. Solar activity, expressed in a quantum eruption, is primarily the result of balancing its own energy system, electromagnetic induction and correlation of the orbits of the planetary system. Activity globally improves and restores violations of geophysical changes on the planets of the solar system, including the Earth.
8. The intensified development of industry, the study of the bowels of the Earth, the development of minerals and their extraction are not able, even with all the mercantile desire of miners, to serve as the release of a large amount of greenhouse gases, which would lead to an increase in the temperature of the planet's surface. When a person is not yet able to provide enough heat even to apartments in provincial areas of his country. On the streets of large megacities, cities and towns, clean and melt the falling snow, build massive greenhouses for year-round cultivation of vegetables and fruits. To build a warm shelter and infrastructure for an expedition in the Arctic, Antarctica, Greenland to explore the soil, establish oil, gas, rare earth minerals, and other archaeological research on Earth.
The Earth itself, having a self-regulating system, easily and scientifically regulates the occurring geophysical, chemical anomalies in the bowels and on the surface of the planet.
What is the contribution of a person?
1. Our terrestrial spherical atmosphere borders on a bottomless vacuum, "DIPSSGV", which absorbs everything that has thermodynamic energy, a positive temperature above the absolute temperature (-273 gr.). On the surface of the earth, even with all the desire, it is impossible to keep emissions of charged carbon dioxide, or other, any toxic products of the oil industry and industry, which are not formatted. To carry out extraction from the atmospheric content, it will be necessary to use expensive, scientific and technological equipment. Of course, it would be ideal to extract them before they are released into the atmosphere, using natural technology similar to the extraction and processing of our surrounding nature.
2.Pesticides, such as fertilizers and chemical tillage, the chemicals used for this contribute to the release of nitrogen dioxide, poison flora and fauna, as a result of which people are poisoned through the cultivated vegetation. People should control the cultivation of agricultural products, without any pesticides and toxic chemicals harmful to humans and their environment. But nitrogen dioxide cannot be defined in any way as a greenhouse gas without placing it in a closed system together with flora and humans, or other living beings.
3. Active exploitation of forests leads to a change in the local, traditional landscape. Cutting down trees is depriving a person of aesthetic pleasure and enjoyment of nature. Even if you cut down all the vegetation, all exactly the contents of oxygen, ozone, carbon and other inert gases in the atmosphere, in their percentage ratio will not change. On the surface of the Earth, the aroma of pine needles, many types of flora will be partially lacking to satisfy the cultural recreation of a person and his communication with nature.
4. The growth of the number of inhabitants of the Earth in excess of the norm (if it seems to someone that there is such a norm in nature, then they are deeply mistaken), is corrected by the laws of nature, the development of a reasonable civilization. If a person learns to establish and apply social and state laws in accordance with the law of nature, then the average static number of the Earth's population will grow in direct proportion to the production of material values and inversely proportional to the development of the average static intellectual level of the entire intelligent civilization. This is paradoxical, but naturally within the framework of reality. The size of the settlement area is not a deterrent factor and an obstacle to changing the number of the Earth's population.
5. There are a huge number of megacities where landfills of garbage and waste are buried deep into the ground, and residential buildings, towns, cities are built on these lands. People have been living in these residential areas for decades and do not even realize that the ecosystem has been changed and poisoned. State structures for the protection of nature and ecology have not conducted research on the release of harmful and toxic substances on the territory of their megacities for decades, and people continue to live, work, study and relax there.
6. In this regard, WHO is obliged, first of all, to deal with human ecology, to establish the protection of the health of every person everywhere, regardless of age, national, territorial, social and state origin. Warn about the upcoming climatic, seasonal changes, the generation of new dangerous epidemics and, if necessary, prevent them everywhere. To provide the population of the Earth with vaccines, medicines, medical devices and equipment to restore and prevent the normal physical condition of a person at home, at work, during the protection of his health, if possible, his infection on transport during travel or flights to work, on vacation and for other reasons.
7. International organizations of education and enlightenment should maintain the purity of human thoughts, conceptual way of thinking, simulate the complementary design of the human brain and establish the commutativity of the mechanism of information communication of the cerebral hemispheres, adapt binary selection of the received external information, phenotypic - genotypic auto-induction of the information field for human associative action, in their relationship with the environment. To make a priority effort to improve the system of fundamental education, strengthen the spiritual and cultural development of the younger generation.
8. International financial and economic structures, to assist states in planning the economic development of their country. Developing the industrialization of countries, give priority to the application of technologies that meet scientific justification and environmental harmonization. Establish international control;
- over the spontaneous development of the pace of industrialization,
- production of low-quality or excessive quantity of consumer goods. To limit the pace of development of production of transnational corporations aimed at over-enriching them by attracting a large number of low-paid migrant workers, cheap labor. To set an acceptable limit for increasing the pace of development, directly proportional to the increase in the number of consumers (objectively - the required amount of products per capita of the estimated population). Our common world history is rich in facts of violation of this proportion, which led to tragic events on a global scale. During the first and Second World Wars, private capital, taking into account personal interests, increasing the production of military products, armed the entertainers of the world warriors, who destroyed:
- in the First World War, from 15 to 22 million dead and 23 million wounded
- 57 countries took part in the Second World War, the total number of participants was 1.7 billion people, total losses from 50- 80 million people. The use of nuclear weapons in Nagasaki and Hiroshima killed more than 200 thousand civilians from a nuclear strike, more than 400 thousand people suffered from the effects of the disease caused by radiation. Producers of excessive amounts of food or manufactured goods, in order to maintain the level of retail prices, drowned the remnants of unsold goods in the seas and oceans, instead of distributing them to distressed residents of third world countries.
There are a huge number of megacities where landfills of garbage and waste are buried deep into the ground, and residential buildings, towns, cities are built on these lands. People have been living in these residential areas for decades and do not even realize that the ecosystem has been changed and poisoned. State structures for the protection of nature and ecology have not conducted research on the release of harmful and toxic substances on the territory of their megacities for decades, and people continue to live, work, study and relax there. Fishermen, violating the size of the quota, extract an excess amount of marine life, red, black caviar. After the caviar is extracted, the fish carcasses are thrown overboard, the excess products are sold on black markets, destroyed during inspections. Exchange players buy and sell balloons under Futures contracts, the production of which is planned for the foreseeable future or is not being produced at all. Excess funds are frozen in precious, rare-earth metals. They hinder their application in the field of medicine, nuclear technology, the production of manned spacecraft, and energy. Producers of superabundant products, as their greedy disposition requires, use cheap, environmentally harmful production technologies, pollute the atmosphere, oceans, seas, rivers and the atmosphere with this.
Education, health and ecology should be the guiding star of a reasonable civilization. This measure is necessary for a more comfortable, trouble-free, peaceful and happy development of a reasonable civilization, and human coexistence on Earth.
The society is in dire need of services elected by members of Parliament. Unfortunately, the world's parliamentary institutions are not perfect in the face of epochal problems, the elected deputies in the majority do not correspond in their educational baggage and scientific knowledge, intellectual qualities and life experience to conduct legislative activity. Today, parliaments are completed according to the party, clan, administrative and majoritarian principle of selecting subordinate performers from incompetent specialists. Specialists who will have to establish for members of society, moral, educational, administrative, criminal, industrial, road, financial rules governing the behavior and treatment of a person, citizen, stateless person, migrant in the family, at work, in educational institutions, in places of cultural recreation, sports and educational competitions, games, rules for the protection of universal values. Basically, deputies allow themselves to issue numerous laws annually, which are the regulator of universal human relations of temporary significance and concise execution. Unfortunately, the deputies forget that a person is not able to make laws, this is a divine providence. Laws existed trillions of years before us and will exist without us, they have no beginning and no end. Rules that are feasible for a person are the roadmap of the law. Laws can only be identified and used by their framework rules in a society where numerous human interests constantly intersect, which create a confrontation between interested persons, groups, societies, states protecting their personal benefit. The rules establish the place, time, scalar vectors of conflict-free movement, intellectual quantization of the human ego in the collective, in society and in their environment. It is necessary to identify these Laws and apply the living conditions of people as necessary for their implementation without any conflicts and excesses, their national and state interests. For such a mission, wise scientists, philosophers, historians, mathematicians and physicists who study the law of the origin of life in a vacuum and on Earth should be involved in parliamentary activities, and not just deputies of a "broad profile and body movements" pleasing to everyone. The current format of the process of electing a parliamentarian is outdated, a new format of jurisprudence, lawmaking, protection of democracy and the rights of the population, in the broadest sense of the word, is required.
Consequences and results of global warming
Global warming is actually the result of the cooling of the Earth. It is permanently cooled due to the compaction of the outer shell of the outer core, and successively, the mantle, upper mantle, and the Earth's crust. Naturally, this reduces the diameter of the core itself, hence the mass of the core. Fortunately, the law of Universal creation preserves the speed of rotation of the Earth around the Sun and its axis, and functions in direct proportion to the law of conservation of energy. The ubiquitous rheological circulation in the bowels of the Earth and the subsequent procedure of permanent invariance of hydrogen are preserved. The continuum of the impact of "DIPSSGV" and the procedures for the movement of tectonic vertical and horizontal structural plates of the Earth's crust create a precedent for the restoration of supersymmetry. If the Earth were an artificial object, then this kind of situation would lead to an increase in temperature. Fortunately, the Earth is a derivative object of the development of a living, self-regulating nature. Which, infinitely balances on the line of the space-time curvature of nature with the objectively necessary time of ferroelectric motion. Hydrogen protons penetrating through the entire thickness, from the core of the Earth to its atmospheric layers, undergoes an invariant change in the composition of different aggregate layers. Produces and enriches in the bowels of the earth the chemical elements of the entire periodic table, chemical deposits of various types of minerals, oil, gas, water of the oceans and seas and atmospheric layers of the Earth. The cooling of the temperature of the solid thickness of the earth's crust, as a percentage of a tenth of one degree, with a stable increase in the volume of the oceanic and marine water basin, contributes to an underestimation of the water temperature on the oceanic crust. The energy of the Earth's cooled water basin is falling. According to Planck's "constant", it is the main coefficient connecting the energy value of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation with its frequency, as well as the total energy quantum value of any linear oscillatory physical system with its frequency. At the same time, it connects the pulse energy and frequency with the spatial frequency. The phase change is a quantum of the angular momentum that affects the amount of thermal radiation. The evaporation of water, the value of the pulse frequency of electromagnetic radiation and the natural ventilation of the atmosphere are underestimated. The circulation of water in the atmosphere is disrupted. Floods begin on earth, the level of oceans and seas, rivers and lakes rises. Due to the change in the configuration of the spherical sphere of the earth, oceanic water flows and migrates to restore the symmetry of the spherical external configuration of the Earth. The next ten years are likely to see the sinking of continental territories and the displacement of horizontal and vertical tectonic plates of the continental crust on the lithosphere. Which can lead to the pumping of flowing natural and energy resources, from their locations on the territory of some countries, to new territories of their location in other countries. Changes in the frequency of the pulse of electromagnetic radiation make adjustments to the structure of the formation and existence of the biosphere, organic and inorganic system species, both in the composition of the water basin and the atmosphere, the Earth's crust, the upper mantle of the Earth.
Scientists from Tel Aviv University have for the first time revealed evidence of a connection between the activity of the electric field of a living organism and the electric field of the environment. One of the most difficult questions in biology is to determine the origin of electric field oscillations in the extremely low frequency range. One of the most surprising features of this mystery is the fact that many species of organisms (vertebrates and invertebrates) exhibit the same low-frequency electrical activity, regardless of their brain size, brain complexity, or even the presence of a cortex. In other words, humans and animals have virtually the same electrical activity.
Zooplankton living in the oceans exhibit electrical activity with a peak of 7 and 14 Hz (1a). Larger vertebrates and invertebrates (sea lion, snake, shark and octopus; 1b) also show spectra that occur mostly below 50 Hz. In humans, the indicators also do not exceed 50 Hz (1c). The population of the Earth, partly live in a zone where the frequency of the household electric field used is 50 Hz, partly where 60 Hz. Curiously, in most species, the dominant peak in activity is 8 Hz.
Most of the electrical activity in humans occurs in the frequency range below 50 Hz with this distribution by wave type:
- alpha waves (8-13 Hz) represent deep relaxation, meditation and stress relief;
- beta waves (14-25 Hz) represent a normal anxious mental state;
- gamma waves (30-100 Hz) associated with perception and consciousness;
- delta waves (0.5–4 Hz) represent deep sleep;
- theta waves (4-8 Hz) represent creativity and dream states.
The wave activity of the brain is limited to certain modes depending on the activity of the subject, and therefore only some rhythms are observed at each moment of time. We can add the fact that the nature of the spectrum can change the frequency and fluctuations of biological species, as a result of ongoing geophysical changes on Earth. As a result, they will have a suppressing effect on the physical and mental activities of a person. The very fact of the origin of our entire environment, the origin of all human biological species, terrestrial flora and fauna, was realized thanks to the discrete impulsivity of the definitely necessary frequency of the nature of our environment. And this fact cannot be disputed. Spontaneously manifested oscillation frequencies cause spontaneous fluctuations of elementary particles of the atom, molecules, biological cells. The subsequent quantization of the proton, neutron, electron, positron radically changes the synchronicity of the functioning of the atom. Further formation of molecules from mutating atoms, provoke the origin of a new generation, bacteria, viruses that pose a danger to the formation of biological cells, DNA damage, RNA. New changes in the frequency of fluctuations are transmitted through a new generation of molecules, cells to biological species of the Earth. Non-traditional parameters of frequency and oscillations acquired by biological species, including human cells, brain neurons, have an obstacle to brain functioning, disrupting the programmed control of the brain by the bodies of biological species, the microflora of the body, the production of ribose, cells and prevents the traditional development of immunity against all kinds of deadly diseases. Studies of the human brain have shown that alpha waves are dominant when a person is in a state of deep intoxication. If the content of halothane (fluorotane in Russian) (anesthetic) increases in the body, brain activity shifts from normal alpha signals of 10 Hz to the predominant signal of 7-8 Hz. Brain activity decreases, dizziness appears, slowness of movement, strabismus and there is a variable disconnection of eye vision. Signs that are inherent in patients with Covidom-19.
Do not forget that the human brain often shows increased activity around 26 Hz (1c), which is close to the frequency of the fourth mode of the Schumann resonance *. This is the phenomenon of the formation of standing electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, the upper layers of the atmosphere, mesosphere, mesopause and thermosphere.
Back in 1952, German physicist Otto Schumann (1888-1974) proposed a theory: given the high conductivity of the Earth and the ionosphere, the Earth-ionosphere space should have a kind of resonance of electromagnetic waves.
Schumann calculated that these harmonic standing waves should be in the extremely low frequency range. Assuming that resonance exists without loss (without absorption in the ionosphere), he predicted that the first mode of resonant frequencies should occur at 10 Hz. Already in 1960, Balzer and Wagner carried out the first spectral measurements, which showed that resonant frequencies occur at about 8, 14, 20, 26, ... Hz due to partial absorption of the ionosphere.
Due to global geophysical changes in the structural configuration of the Earth and its thermodynamic components, the modes of resonant frequencies of the inner core, outer core, mantle, upper mantle, Earth's crust, especially all layers of the atmosphere, change due to a decrease in ventilation, hence an increase in atmospheric temperature. Waves of extremely low frequencies from lightning and the transformation of tectonic structures of the lithosphere, anywhere on the planet, are able to propagate to any other place due to the natural waveguide formed by the ionosphere and the Earth's surface. Constructive interference of these radio waves during their movement around the Earth (40075 km) leads to the appearance of standing electromagnetic waves and their harmony (λ ~ nc / 40000), known as Schumann resonances. The ionosphere and, consequently, the waveguide necessary to create the Schumann resonance are supported by solar radiation colliding with atoms and molecules in our upper atmosphere, producing ions and free electrons that lead to the reflection of electromagnetic waves in the extremely low frequency range.
There is a surprising similarity between the observed frequencies of the Schumann resonance and the electrical activity of organisms. Due to this, a natural background field of extremely low frequencies was maintained throughout the planet. This natural field has a certain maximum frequency with a basic mode of about 8 Hz. All biological species use this natural field to train their own systems.
Among the numerous nonlinear effects in nature, synchronization is an important event that is probably most frequently observed in many different systems. Synchronization is a relationship between two objects that fluctuate with identical frequency over time. Synchronization occurs when there is a fixed phase relationship between two objects.
Classical synchronization theory operates with so-called self-sustaining periodic oscillators. If the autonomous generator is affected by an external periodic force of the corresponding amplitude and frequency, the oscillations of the system will be synchronized in phase with the external signal. Therefore, synchronization can be more specifically defined as phase and frequency synchronization.
From this definition, the theory of researchers grows. Scientists believe that during evolution, biological systems could be synchronized in phase with the background electric fields of the atmosphere, determined by Schumann resonances. In the course of evolution, especially in its early stages, the Schumann resonance was the only constant electromagnetic field available for such synchronization.
1. The temperature spread on the Earth's surface will change regardless of the climatic season of time: warm winter and cold summer.
2.The unpredictability of the fluidity of the water basin of the Earth, can lead to the displacement of fresh, drinking water with oceanic, sea water.
3.Seasonal cultivation of flora crops may partially disappear, large financial expenses will be required for the cultivation of new breeds and the construction of greenhouses.
4. In the next hundred years, the water level in the oceans will rise due to a slowdown in evaporation, due to the cooling of the Earth's crust and the continuation of stable enrichment of the mass of oceans and seas.
5. Global climate catastrophes cannot be avoided, hurricanes and tornadoes will become a common occurrence. Violation of the time periodicity of the water cycle between the earth and the atmosphere, heavy rains will fall, droughts that have not previously occurred for a long time will begin somewhere in these territories. High-speed winds and cyclones will begin to intensify and become a frequent occurrence until the Earth itself completes the self-regulation procedure.
6. Many deserts will become inhabited, and paradisiacal corners will die out.
7. Abrupt changes in climatic conditions will force many plant and animal species to adapt to their environment. Those who fail to adapt quickly will die out. The fact that plants purify the air is indisputable, even if not globally, but still there is some kind of increase in global oxygen production. The disappearance of vegetation may partially affect the deterioration of oxygen production in the troposphere of the atmosphere.
8. The remains of extinct oceanic, marine fish and other living creatures will be found in the new arid territories. There will be pockets of epidemiological threat.
9. It is now impossible to accurately and even approximately determine the places of catastrophic climate changes. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the degree of deviation of the virtual axis of the Earth, the virtual location of the eccentricity of the equator and determine the time of stabilization of the Earth's rotation around its axis by new coordinates.
10. The most important threat to humanity is the global flood, to which our Earth has repeatedly been subjected. All geophysical indicators prove and confirm the reality of the biblical story of Noah's Ark. There is a hope that this will not be the last flood, but will turn out to be a periodic phenomenon for a reasonable civilization. Which obliges us to seriously prepare for this unusual, unexplored phenomenon. At the same time, we must not lose optimism, there is time, there is a desire, we need to change our way of thinking, attitude to nature, to ourselves and to each other.
11. With the development of a reasonable civilization, in its broadest sense, a person strives for a sterile lifestyle. He uses environmentally friendly air, food, organizes environmentally friendly working conditions, wears clothes made of environmentally friendly materials, lives in houses built from environmentally friendly building materials. On the one hand, all this makes him vulnerable to the fact of his existence in a real ecologically unclean environment, in his habitat. On the other hand, he is not able to create for himself everywhere, environmentally friendly living conditions, work and recreation, healthy relationships with his environment. This should be done by the state, which was hired by society as a regulator of human demands and demand, household needs and for its stable, safe, happy existence. Unfortunately, the state does not always fulfill its obligations, if it is engaged, then it is not scientifically justified and not practical. 1. There is a tendency to break and remove the state structures of the countries of the world from their employer, society. This is due to the excessive politicization of the state structures of the world. The existing organic difference between the national and state interests of the countries of the world leads to a political disagreement in their interstate relations. They attach greater importance to inciting economic and political conflict to the detriment of paying attention and caring for the national interests of their own people and society. The stable way of life of the peoples of the world is a requirement of the natural development of a common intelligent civilization, and not the whim of one person, a chosen nation or a superpower. Global state structures should take this into account and fulfill their obligations to the population, warning them about upcoming natural surprises and creating comfortable safe conditions for people to overcome natural disasters, cataclysms and environmental changes. And not to wait for a meeting with the consequences of these natural phenomena.

How to avoid global warming
It is still quite difficult for humanity to assess the danger of global warming on the Earth's surface, geographically, by the time of its occurrence and the duration of its continuation. Developed countries are trying to introduce new production technologies in heavy industry, such as special filters for emissions into the atmosphere. At the same time, little is thought about how to recycle and get the maximum benefit from emissions into the atmosphere. And more populated and less developed countries suffer from the man-made consequences of human activity. They are trying to use cheap old technologies of developed countries that have long abandoned them. There are no international economic organizations that could reorient the working capacity of the population to the production of other types of products that require less harmful technologies. This imbalance around the world will only grow without the participation and intervention of the world community. A scientific approach to job creation is required in order to eliminate unemployment in third world countries. With the possibility of redistributing the production of commodity values between countries that have territorial, climatic, industrial production technologies that meet environmental standards, and do not have such an opportunity, but are appropriate in all respects to produce another, environmentally friendly product. The current situation in the world with geophysical problems will intensively worsen the physical condition of the atmosphere, the environment and the health of the Earth's population.
What do scientists do?
Scientists from Hydrometeorological centers around the world are trying to track geophysical changes on Earth, in its atmosphere. They mainly pay attention to changes in the geophysical parameters of the atmosphere and the Earth's crust;
- chemical analysis of soil, air and water;
- study of the melting rate of glaciers;
- charting the growth of glaciers and desert zones.
These studies are trying to make it clear that the pace of the impact of global warming is increasing every year. Thus, scientists are mistaken in the fact that the warming of the Earth's atmosphere is a temporary event and is associated with a deterioration in the process of atmospheric ventilation, slowing down or sometimes increasing the frequency of fluctuations in the natural physical state of the human environment. A medium that is also a breeding ground for electromagnetic, strong, weak, thermodynamic dipole physical interactions. It is extremely important to strengthen observations of geophysical changes in the bowels of the Earth. Starting from the inner Core, outer Core, Mantle, Upper Mantle and Earth's crust. To measure the oscillation frequencies, density, chemical composition and vector of vertical and horizontal movements of tectonic plates, temperature changes of structural rocks of the Earth's interior.
Ways to solve the problem
The problem is not unambiguous, not quite known to man by its periodic geophysical origin and the unpredictable continuation of its final completion.
Nevertheless, scientists are trying to predict the solution of the problem based on the received historical and hydrometeorological statistical information. Applying professional skills and scientific ingenuity, they offer prompt measures to solve the problem:
- rapid greening of a large area of land;
- creation of new plant varieties that easily get used to changes in nature;
- use of renewable energy sources (e.g. wind power);
- development of more ecological technologies.
"Solving the problems of global warming, today a person should look far into the past and possible future. Many documentary agreements, for example, the protocol adopted as an addendum to the UN Framework Convention in Kyoto in 1997, did not give the desired result, and the introduction of environmental technologies is extremely slow. In addition, the conversion of old oil and gas production plants is almost impossible, and the cost of building new ones is quite high."
If the question is about the problem of human security, then any costs should be justified to solve these problems. The life of every person, as a guarantor of the preservation of a reasonable civilization, requires serious, unconditional and special attention. In this regard, the reconstruction of heavy industry is not only an economic issue, but a question of preserving the biosphere, human life and the preservation of a reasonable civilization.
"Scientists are also considering other ways to solve the problem: special carbon dioxide traps located in mines have already been created. Aerosols affecting the reflective properties of the upper layers of the atmosphere have been developed. The effectiveness of these developments has not yet been proven. The automotive combustion system is constantly being modified to protect against harmful emissions. Alternative energy sources are being invented, but their development costs a lot of money and is progressing extremely slowly. In addition, the operation of mills and solar panels is also accompanied by CO2 emissions."
The one-day spherical pulling apart of the Earth's energy "DIPSSGV" takes a colossal amount of thermal energy into the vacuum abyss, which is several orders of magnitude more than the total energy required to maintain the vital activity of the population of the whole world for several hundred years. To do this, it is necessary to apply a similar scientific technology, taking away the energy of the Earth, and using it as an alternative 100% environmentally safe energy for the needs of the Earth's population. Use mechanical structures to generate cheap and 100% environmentally friendly electricity. Which, according to the size of the dimensions, vary between the size of the dimensions and the occupied area, nuclear power plants and wind power, solar stations that meet environmental requirements and do not harm human health.

Help from a specific person in this situation
Scientists recommend to every inhabitant of the Earth the following measures to solve the problem of "Global Warming":
1. To begin with, plant as many trees as possible on your site or monitor the growth of old ones.
2.Use as many energy-saving lamps, batteries and other energy sources as possible.
3. Try to produce as little waste as possible and use recycled raw materials more often.
4. To convey the problem of global warming to a large number of people: their relatives, friends and acquaintances.
What kind of response has been received from the population of the Earth to these appeals of scientists?
- distrust of science and authorities;
- unwillingness to change your own lifestyle;
- fatigue from the topic of ecology;

Maybe it seems strange to someone, but, in fact, residents will not be able to solve this problem, unknown to them, because they believe that the danger of disaster is greatly exaggerated. People live their lives, work, pay taxes and expect government agencies, tax recipients, to fulfill their duties and solve problems related to the deterioration of the living conditions of each taxpayer. Shifting additional problems onto the shoulders of the population, buying sapling trees, expensive energy-saving lamps, buying equipment for processing, doing advertising work, reporting the problem of global warming to acquaintances and friends, looks very funny. When there are mass media in the hands of the state and oligarchs who could spread information about the environmental threat much faster and better. But, despite everything, they advertise all sorts of nonsense for the purpose of personal enrichment and fooling the world's population, and politicized scientists are trying to distract people from the real threat by all means.
Jokes with the protection of nature and people's lives on Earth are very dangerous. We all live the same life, under the same sky. In order to preserve the material and intellectual values we have acquired and achieved, and pass them on to our future generations, it is necessary to take care of the ecosystem today. Protecting our future - our descendants, it is already necessary today to create safe living conditions for them, to design the interior from environmentally friendly materials. To protect them from the penetration of viruses and bacteria into their homes, to improve the quality of domestic water supply, ventilation of residential premises. Employers should create the same safe working conditions in office, industrial, sanitary premises. Equip sanitary rooms with medical equipment for temporary operational maintenance of viability, in case of respiratory tract damage and infection of the body of workers in industrial, educational, office and other industrial premises. Public and private transport companies, especially the organizers of public transport, must strictly observe traffic safety, tightness and ventilation of the interior of the transport, from the penetration of viruses and bacteria inside. Solving the problem of global warming is the duty of government agencies and international organizations. Which must strictly monitor compliance with sanitary safety standards by transport enterprises, public and private employers, industrial, scientific and production, housing and communal services and the service sector. The efficiency of solving these problems is one of the most important tasks in the XXI century.

Author: Agadadash Kerimov
contacts: +7(903)748-1331